* Data sharing over a network
* Complied with TCP/IP, SMB, FTP, SNTP protocol
* Sharing data via a local area network through SMB protocol
* LAN and USB 2.0 Dual Interface
* SASTA HD Support
* SATA HD Support
* Share-level security through web-based network management tool
* File sharing between Windows, Mac, and Linux clients
* No drivers needed, no server required
We are moving!
Our new office address, tel and fax number are as below:
TEL:+886-2-2552 2727
FAX:+886-2-2552 1635
Address: 7F, No. 76, Nanjing W. Rd., Taipei 103, Taiwan
new product announcement
New product 7" MID is announced in Oct.
you can get any information from Internet easily via Google Andriod OS.
New Tablet PC announcement
We have new 7", 8", 9" 10.1" new tablet PC expected in June. Please contact us the detail.